Error-Warning solving and debugging

Apache Airflow

If accessing via the localhost http://localhost:8080 is not happening as you might be redirected to http://localhost:8080/auth, you can forcefully try to change to http://localhost:8080/login. If this also does not work try clearing cache on your web-browser. This issue happens if some other application have used this port in the past, for example, keycloak (used by the ESSIM model).

Port issues

If you try to connect to a port used by some other application, you will get an error message regarding this on your terminal. Then, you can check this by the command net-stat -ano | findstr <port_number> (in a command prompt or power shell). An example of port_number can be 8080.

You can then kill the existing application/activity, if not needed elsewhere, using the command taskkill /PID <PID> /F. Sometimes, you might get a permission-denied error when using the above command. If so, change to adminstrative mode in powershell, for example.

Python errors

When running the files manually, you might get the error: ‘tno’ module not found. To avoid this error, enter the following lines before the from tno.--- line in the Python script:

import sys

<folder_name> represents the folder within which the tno folder is located.

Minio errors

1. Sometimes, you might encounter an error related to maximum connection timeout related to connecting to Minio server. For localhost, this means that a Minio instance need to be activated from an independent terminal.

2. You might see an error related to S3 operation failed. This could mean that the bucket is not present (or created), path to finding the bucket is not correct, the path to find an object within the bucket is not found, or a combination of these. This can be rectified by creating the bucket (whose name might be found in the config .json file, file, or <name_of_the_model>.py file) or correcting the path (check for variables named <input/output>_esdl_file_path, base_path, destination_path, etc.).

3. Sometimes, you might encounter a connection error (for example, access keys not correct, or something similar). In this case, check if there is a difference between the Minio instance and .env file in terms of MINIO_ACCESS_KEY / ROOT_USER_NAME or MINIO_SECRET_KEY / ROOT_USER_PASSWORD.