Exploratory modeling and analysis tool-based coupling

29 November 2023

Master thesis summary – Alexander Drent

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Large-scale complex systems are increasingly becoming essential components of an evolving society comprising social and technical or socio-technical aspects combined with a network of different actors. These systems are unpredictable, highly uncertain, and evolve dynamically. To analyze these systems, multi-models need to be developed with each focusing on a specific part of the (sub)system. Multi-models allow the investigation of different uncertainty paths across the entire range of the system. Developing multi-models faces the following challenges: interoperability, composability, and fidelity. In modeling socio-technical systems, there are different sources of uncertainties, such as stochastic variables and processes, a lack of accuracy and precision, and errors (`Pace, 2015`_). Uncertainties within multi-models impact the ability to make decisions. Three types of uncertainties are pointed out: aleatory uncertainty (this uncertainty is impossible to reduce by measurements), epistemic uncertainty (new measurements can reduce this uncertainty), and errors (`Pennock & Gaffney, 2018`_).

Uncertainty might propagate when coupling socio-technical models in a multi-model ecology (`Cuppen et al., 2021`_; `Nikolic et al., 2019`_). Accordingly, the research question was formulated as ‘To what extent can we apply existing uncertainty analysis methods to multi-models?’. This study identified additional sources of uncertainties in multi-model ecologies compared to constituent single models. Existing methods are applied to analyze uncertainty propagation in single models. This study explored a variety of uncertainty analysis tools and methods for performing sensitivity analyses of single models within a multi-model, along with the whole multi-model ecology.


Based on the literature (`Kwakkel et al., 2010`_; `Petersen, 2012; W.E. Walker P. Harremoës & von Krauss, 2003`_), five locations of uncertainty have been identified: conceptual model, computer model, including model structure and parameters, input data, implemented technical model, and processed output data. The level of uncertainty indicates the degree or severity of uncertainty. Five levels of uncertainty have been identified between deterministic knowledge and total ignorance (`Pruyt & Kwakkel, 2014`_). These levels vary in context, system model, system outcomes, and weights on outcomes (`W.E. Walker P. Harremoës & von Krauss, 2003`_). The nature of uncertainty concerns whether uncertainty is caused by variability in the real-world system (ontic) or by the lack of knowledge (epistemic) (`Kwakkel et al., 2010`_; `Petersen, 2012`_; `van den Hoek et al., 2014`_; `W.E. Walker P. Harremoës & von Krauss, 2003`_).

Multiple methodologies for uncertainty analyses were studied, and some were applied. They were categorized into sensitivity analyses, calibration, and comparison of methods. Two main approaches to sensitivity analyses were identified: local and global. Sensitivity analyses are sometimes called independent sampling because they use model parameters whose values are specified beforehand. The distinction is made between one-at-a-time (OAT) and all-at-a-time (AAT) sampling. The benefit of AAT sampling is that interaction effects between input parameters can be evaluated, which is impossible using OAT sampling. Three types of AAT sampling are mainly classified: Monte Carlo (MC), Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS), and Sobol sequences (`Pianosi et al., 2016`_). Sensitivity analyses are used for different applications depending upon the purpose of the analysis: factor prioritization (FP – identifies parameters that have a significant influence on the output of the model), factor fixing (FF – identifies the parameters that have a minimal effect on the variance of the output), variance cutting (VC – bring the output uncertainty below a determined threshold by fixing the lowest amount of input values as possible), and factor mapping (FM – determines which region of the output space is associated with which part in the input space) (`Saltelli, A., Ratto, M., Andres, T. et al., 2007`_). Other sensitivity analysis methods identified in this study are Morris, RBD-FAST, PAWN, Random Decision Forests, and Patient Rule Induction Method.

Calibration methods come from an understanding that multiple parameter sets may result in comparable outcomes and can match calibration data or a statistical model. This understanding is called equifinality (Beven & Freer, 2001). Different calibration methods have been suggested in the literature, such as the Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) (`Beven & Binley, 1992`_) and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC or MC2) (`Vrugt, 2016`_) method.

Two archetypes of multi-model interaction can be considered: directed graph and undirected graph with feedback mechanisms. The directed graph has no run-time interaction between separate computer models. The undirected graph has run-time interaction between the models.

Method, results, and findings

A framework is presented to assess uncertainty in used simulation models and the interface based on the uncertainty matrices proposed in the literature (`Kwakkel et al., 2010`_; `Petersen, 2012`_; `W.E. Walker P. Harremoës & von Krauss, 2003`_). This matrix consists of the location of uncertainty on one axis and the level and nature of uncertainty on the other axis. XPIROV framework (`Agusdinata, 2006`_) captured the impact of uncertainty and policies on the model output.

The global method of sensitivity analyses was focused on as local methods do not adequately explore uncertainty in models with non-linearities (`Saltelli et al., 2019`_). A matrix was created to compare the methods mentioned in the previous section for uncertainty analyses. The methods differ in intended purpose, assumed output distribution, type of uncertainties, sampling methods, and sample size.

An experimental setup was for multi-models with undirected graphs, which was applied to a Windmaster model (described below). First, the uncertainties in the multi-model were assessed using the XPIROV framework and uncertainty matrix. Then, a selection of methods mentioned above was applied. Sensitivity analyses were applied with independent sampling techniques and calibration with dependent sampling. EMA workbench (`Kwakkel, 2017`_) was used as the multi-model is already implemented using this workbench. MC sampling technique was chosen because it allows the possibility of adding samples afterward and investigating the convergence of feature scores over the increasing number of used samples.

The Windmaster model is developed to discover robust policies regarding the investments in the infrastructure and explore uncertainties in the energy demand and supply of the industrial cluster of the port of Rotterdam. The multi-model consists of three connected single models with different modeling paradigms: an exploratory modeling scenario model, a technical-economical infrastructure model, and an investment behavior model. The transition pathways developed in EMA were defined as a series of discrete events affecting peak energy demand, required feedstock, and energy production or conversion. Uncertainty lies in the timing of the availability of new technology options and their implementation lead time.

The policies are included in the model by four defined investment decision-making strategies of different network operators: reactive, current, proactive, and collaborative. These are influenced by time horizon, investment goals, investment budget, the propensity to save, and lead time per investment.

Feature scores showed that decision-making strategies strongly influence electricity transmission network capacity and total capital expenditure costs. Extra-tree features scoring performed per time step, i.e., a year, showed that decision-making strategies after 2030 and 2020 strongly influenced transmission capacity and capital expenditure, respectively. The extra trees feature score also showed that decision-making strategies have high uncertainty scores for the capacity used of the transmission network. In general, uncertainties have a strong influence on aspects such as boiler paths (technologies to produce steam), cogeneration paths (combined production of heat and electricity), decision-making strategies, and furnace paths (production of heat). Sobol analysis was used to understand which uncertainties strongly impact different investment categories. The uncertainties related to the interface had a limited impact.

Conclusions and future work

The results showed that the EMA workbench can be used for uncertainty analysis in the multi-model structure. Sobol showed that interaction effects between uncertainties played a role in the Windmaster model. Different assets had different influences on the uncertainty, some significantly more than others, for example, capital investments, network capacity, or impact of policies. Future research will focus on using this tool to perform uncertainty analysis of an existing case study within the multi-modeling project using the tools and methods described in this research.

A link to Alexander Drent’s master thesis work follows:



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