Somadutta Sahoo, Last update: 14 December 2023

TEACOS is a Dutch-based mathematical optimization model focusing on mid- to long-term investment analysis. Refer to https://multimodelling.readthedocs.io/en/latest/energy_models/TEACOS/index.html for more overall information regarding the model.

General model information

General model information questions were asked regarding basic information, model versions, and point of contact for questions. The TEACOS model is developed and maintained by QUOMARE.

Questions to ask


Model name


Model owner


Model Developer


The latest model version/date

The model version used in this project




Gregor Brandt

A second set of questions was asked regarding whether the model is type or token, the intended purpose of the model, and the level of decision that the model aims to support. We understand that the model can be categorized as type and token model. The model focuses on techno-economic optimization, which is capable of long-term planning by considering investment decisions in technology options.

Questions to ask


Is the model a token model? If so,

give illustration(s).

Yes, it captures investment decisions related to specific

innovative technology options, for example, hydrogen


Is the model a type model? If so,

give illustration(s).

Yes, it captures the core elements of an open, targeted


Briefly describe the intended purpose of

the model

Techno-economic optimization

Strategic - long-term planning; what do

we want?

Investment decisions in technology options

Tactical - medium-term; how do we

approach this?

Operational - short-term; regular/

day-to-day operations?

Operational decisions of technology options

Typical questions asked of the model include future capacities and energy supplies for different technology options. One of the significant strengths of the model is its openness, i.e., user-defined system. TEACOS finds the best combination of technology options while considering optimal investment and operational decisions. One of the critical limitations of the model is the assumption of perfect foresight. The model has been used to identify the presence/absence of different

technologies in a targeted energy system analysis. Refer to the table below for further discussion on these aspects.

Questions to ask


What are typical types of questions that

can be asked to the model? provide

examples of such questions

1. What are the capacity and energy supply from different

technology options?

2. Whether a given technology option will be selected or not?

What are the strengths of this model?

What is unique?

  1. Open, user-defined system

2. TEACOS finds the best combination of technology options,

considering optimal investment and operational decisions.

What are the important limitations of the


  1. Perfect foresight assumption

2. Social interaction and impacts missing

Cases/examples where the model was

used for its intended purpose

1. Used for identifying the presence/absence of different

technologies in a targeted energy system analysis

2. Identifying the capacity of those technologies and

investments in them.

Cases/examples where the model was

not used for its intended purpose; are

there any examples of model abuse or


Sometimes, for operational questions. Core applications and

edge cases.

The next set of questions is related to model documentation, accessibility, and type. The model documentation is not complete. The graphical user interface (GUI) can be accessed with the owner’s permission. The model is static, deterministic, and linear programming (LP)-based.

Questions to ask


Is the model documentation



Is the documentation accessible?

If so, how?

Some parts of it are accessible through the QUOMARE website

and this project.

Is the documentation in English?

Partly English

Does the model have a

GUI? If so, how to access


Yes, the GUI can be accessed with the whole model with

the owner’s permission.

Does the model have an Application

Programming Interface (API) ? If so,

how to access it?

In general, the model does not have an API.

Is the model static or dynamic?


Additional comments/remarks:

TEACOS is a multi-period model (i.e., time steps). The model

uses information from the previous time step. However, this

is not a prerequisite.

Is the model continuous or discrete?


Additional comments/remarks:

The model has discrete system elements, but flows are


Is the model stochastic or



Is it an optimization model? If so, what

type of algorithms it uses?

Yes, LP

The next set of questions are regarding the modeling paradigm, implementation environment, and license. The model applies multiple formalisms, such as mathematical equations and logical expressions. The model is implemented using a modeling package called AIMMS. An AIMMS license is needed, and the owner can share the model.

Questions to ask


What modeling paradigm or formalism

does the model use?

Mathematical equations, logical expressions, energy balances,

math equations, etc.

Is it implemented in a General

purpose programming language?


Does it use a modeling/Simulation



Is it implemented in a spreadsheet?

Is any license required to run the


AIMMS license is needed, except for educational and research


Model content

A preliminary set of model content questions were related to energy system integration and scope. The model does not represent an integrated energy system. The model’s essential elements and concepts include detailed information on costs/prices, such as investment profiles or return on investments. Similarly, content-wise, the model contains important supply-related technology options and their interactions.

Questions to ask


Does the model represent an integrated

energy system?


What important elements and concepts are

included in the model?

1. Economics - CAPEX/full NPV, investment profiles,

return on investment and other standard economic KPIs

2. Content-wise coverage: Supply-related technology

options, their interactions

What elements and concepts are currently

not included in the model, but in your

opinion, those shall be included?

Specific attention to flexibility options:

What type of flexibility options are included

in the model?

The next set of content-related questions included scale and resolution. There is no spatial representation but rather a topology and visual representation on a map for communication. The temporal scale is long-term (2020 - 2050).

Questions to ask


What spatial (or geospatial) scale does the

model have?

There is no spatial representation but rather a topology

and visual representation on a map for communication.

Additional comments/remarks:

The transport sector could have cost and distance


What temporal (or time) scale does the

model have?

30-year period (2020 – 2050)

Spatial resolution

Temporal resolution

Time slice of 5 years in a 30-year investment trajectory.

Arbitrary applicable time periods, given a strategic focus, a

month, a quarter, or a year.

The next set of questions is related to model assumptions, model inputs, parameters, and outputs, and data sources related to the model. One of the assumptions likely to be contested by others is that the model considers the time-slice approach for faster processing speed, which is problematic for analyzing peak loads for electricity. The model standard input format is MS Access, and the output format is MS Excel. Some important model inputs are technology inputs (supply options) and costs (annualized investments, fixed, variable, and operation and maintenance costs). Similarly, some important model outputs are secondary energy demand-supply balances and system costs. Data can be shared with permission from model owners.

Questions to ask


What critical assumptions does the

model have?

Which ones are likely to be contested by

others? Why?

The model considers the time-slice approach for faster

processing speed. This is problematic for analyzing peak

loads for electricity.

What is/are the model input format(s)?

MS Access

What is/are the model output format(s)?

MS Access

What are the important model inputs?

Technology inputs (supply options), costs (annualized

investments, fixed, variable, and operation and

maintenance costs)

What important parameters does the

model have?

Technology-related parameters (such as efficiency)

What are the important model outputs?

Secondary energy demand-supply balances, system costs,


What are the data sources used by the


Any data that can be shared? If so, what

and how to access them?

Databases (MS access format) can be accessed with

permission from model owners. Databases contain most

input-related data. The remaining data can be accessed by

accessing the model with permission from the model


Continuing with the model content, there were questions regarding verification, validation, and test, and uncertainty descriptions. The answer to test coverage of the model is that TEACOS is continuously developed using internal test sets to reference models. Internal review before the branch merges into the master branch on GitHub. Verification, validation, and testing can be done on boundary conditions and input limits/ranges.

Questions to ask


Can you comment on the test coverage of

the model?

TEACOS is continuously developed using internal test sets

to reference models. Internal review before branch

merges into master on GitHub.

What is being verified, validated, or tested

in the model?

Verification, validation, and testing can be on the

boundary conditions, inputs, limits/ranges, etc. Forcing

options to look at extreme edges of the solution space.

What methods are used for the model

verification, validation, and testing, if any?

1. Qualitative method: base case review through

consumer, etc.

2. Quantitative method: comparison with reference cases,

modeling practice, etc.

Can you comment on the uncertainty in

model parameters?

Sensitivity testing, Monte Carlo on parameter values,

multivariant Monte Carlo

Can you comment on the uncertainty in

model input?

The model is deterministic and, therefore, does not

propagate uncertainty.

Can you comment on the uncertainty in

the model structure?

No structural uncertainty